Thursday 14 September 2023

12 Steps to build the Salesforce Managed Package using Version Control

Developing a managed package in Salesforce while using Bitbucket and Git for version control and collaboration involves several steps. 

This approach helps you manage your Salesforce code, configurations, and metadata in a version-controlled environment. 

Here are detailed steps to develop a managed package in Salesforce using Bitbucket and Git:

Step 1: Set Up Your Salesforce Development Environment
  1. Salesforce Developer Edition Org:
    If you don't already have one, sign up for a Salesforce Developer Edition org, which you will use for development and testing.

  2. Install Salesforce CLI:
    Install the Salesforce Command Line Interface (CLI) on your local machine. The CLI allows you to interact with Salesforce from the command line.

  3. Install Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code:
    Using Visual Studio Code for development is recommended, install the Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code.

Step 2: Create a New Salesforce Project

In your Salesforce Developer Edition org, create a new Salesforce DX project. This project will serve as the foundation for your package development.

# Navigate to your desired project directory
cd /path/to/your/project

# Create a new Salesforce DX project
sfdx force:project:create -n MyPackageProject

Step 3: Connect Your Salesforce Org

Authenticate your Salesforce DX project with your Developer Edition org by running the following command:

sfdx force:auth:web:login -a MyDevOrg

Step 4: Develop Your Salesforce Package Components

Develop the custom objects, fields, Apex classes, Visualforce pages, Lightning components, and other components that make up your Salesforce package.

Step 5: Initialise a Git Repository

If you haven't already, initialise a Git repository in your project directory:

#Initialize a Git repository
git init

Step 6: Create a Bitbucket Repository
  1. Log in to your Bitbucket account.
  2. Click the '+' icon in the left sidebar and select 'Create repository.'
  3. Fill in the repository details, including name, description, and access level (public or private).
  4. Click 'Create repository' to create your Bitbucket repository.2. 

Step 7: Add and Commit Your Salesforce Project to Git

Add your Salesforce DX project's files to the Git repository and commit them:

#Add all files to the Git repository
git add .

#Commit the changes
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Step 8: Connect Your Git Repository to Bitbucket

Connect your local Git repository to the Bitbucket repository you created:

#Replace <your_bitbucket_repository_url> with the actual URL of your Bitbucket repository
git remote add origin <your_bitbucket_repository_url>

Step 9: Push Your Code to Bitbucket

Push your code from your local Git repository to your Bitbucket repository:

#Push the code to Bitbucket
git push -u origin master

Step 10: Create Package Metadata

Use Salesforce DX commands to create a package that includes the metadata for your managed package:

#Create a new package (replace MyPackage with your desired package name)
sfdx force:package:create -n MyPackage -d "My Package Description" 
#Add package components (objects, classes, etc.) to the package
sfdx force:package:version:create -p MyPackage -x -w 30

Step 11: Develop and Test Package Features

Continue developing and testing your package features within your Salesforce DX project.

Step 12: Distribute Your Managed Package
  1. Complete the development of your managed package.
  2. Go through the necessary steps to package it, including metadata and security reviews.
  3. Distribute your managed package through Salesforce AppExchange or other appropriate channels.

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